The Office of Student Life provides student engagement and leadership opportunities that enhance the college experience by assisting students in their personal exploration and growth and preparing students to contribute to a diverse, dynamic and global society.
Our office supports 3 core programs including: - Associated Students (Student Government), includes Student Advocacy Program (committee reps) - Inter Club Council / Clubs Our office also supports several core services, including: - Student Activity Card Production - BC Connect Online Engagement Platform - AS Grants - Campus Events and General Campus Event Support - Student Leadership Development - AB963 � Student Civic and Voter Empowerment Act - Poster Approval
Our department has two Student Learning Outcomes:
SLO:? Understand student life programs and how to access involvement opportunities.
Reflection – Prior to covid, we assessed student understanding of our programs and how to access involvement onceannually at a Student Life campusevent during the spring semester.? Our data showed that over the years student understanding was rising.? However, since covid, there has been a dramatic drop in student participation(both in person and virtual) as our student population has moved online during this turbulent time in society.?During this time, we have primarily worked to increase our outreach & communication to students through virtual means including the implementation of BC Connect. Moving forward, our task to educate and engage students in Student Life opportunities will continue to be a challenge. We plan to increase our collaboration with student centers, identity based programs and clubs to unite in our outreach and engagement efforts to students.
SLO:? Students involved in leadership roles in the Student Life department understand their personal leadership style, stages of group development, and how to affect organizational change.
Reflection?–In the past, we have used a pre and post assessment for our student leaders.? Currently, we are not assessing this SLO with a specific assessment tool. However, we have continued to include these topics for AS and ICC officers during our officertraining at the start of each semester and officers must reflect on their development using our mid and end of semester officer evaluation forms. Starting in Fall 2022, we will add reflection on this SLO more specifically into the officer evaluation forms.
Our department focuses on student engagement and retention.? Through the AS, StudentAmbassador Program, and over 30 clubs, these opportunities help students feel more connected to the college and more supported as they pursue their academic goals.?
We are actively working to integrate the club system and Student Life opportunities with the Guided Pathways model as well as to increase collaboration with student centers to engage students outside of the classroom with activities and a support network related to theiridentitiesand career goals.?
Our department primarily focuses on 3 of the district initiatives:
2. Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
-We help students connect to the campus community through student leadership opportunities in the AS & clubs and through campus events and workshops, and online student engagement.
-We offer club advisor training each semester to best prepare faculty and staff to guide and mentor their club members.
-Student ID Cards help create a sense of belonging to our campus community and make it easier for students to access services, receive student discounts, and a quick access to their ID number
-We foster student performance by promoting wellness in our events and programs.
-We encourage engagement in campus decision-making by?supporting students to serve on campuscommittees.
5.? Modeling Sustainability
-We provide funding pathways for students, clubs and campus departments to be able to travel to professional conferences, organize campus activities & events, and/or fund research projects related to sustainability.
-In spring of 2018, we implemented a "sustainable purchasing policy"?in the Student Life office and AS & ICC boards.? We purchase green office products and give-aways, we recycle, focus on?healthy food, and are mindful of our waste.??
6.? Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness
-We provide funding pathways for students, clubs and campus departments to be able to travel to professional conferences, organize campus activities & events, and/or fund research projects related to diversity, equity and inclusion.
-We model?inclusiveness in the Student Life?office by hiring a diverse student staff, providing diversity/equity/inclusion training to our staff, modeling the use of pronouns, supporting inclusive policies and procedures, and more.
We had three recommendations via Program Review in 2013.
Recommendation #1: Add permanent staff to the Culture and Community Center and the Sustainability Resource Center. The Culture & Community Center (CCC) has been transferred to the Office of Student Equity. The Sustainability Resource Center has been closed. We still stongly believe that the valuable students centers including the CCC, Queer Resource Center and the UndocuStudent Center should have permanent full-time staffing to best serve and support students.
Recommendation #2: Continue to explore ways to increase student awareness of the role the AS plays on campus and the opportunities available for student participation/representation. We have explored and implemented several strategies to increase student awareness of the role the AS plans on campus and the opportunities available for student participation and representation though our Student Ambassador Program, including: social media, online elections, use of campus televisions, professionalizing promotional materials. We also continually seek to improve and expand our training of student representatives so they are more prepared and effective in their roles.
Recommendation #3: Develop and administer surveys or other tools that measure student awareness of participation in AS sponsored activities, as well as the utilization of AS-run center/facilities. We have developed and administered surveys and other evaluation tools to measure student awareness of and participation in Student Life sponsored activities and related centers, including annual spring survey, event feedback forms, event participant feedback surveys, club member and Club Advisor surveys, Student Learning Outcome assessments. In spring 2019, we started to collaborate with the campus researchers to determine if students involved in clubs and the AS & clubs have higher retention and success rates. Preliminary results say "yes" yet we would like to collect additional data to confirm with more confidence.
1.Participate in the re-designing and re-brandingof “Student Life” at Butte College to better align and promote the full range of extracurricular opportunities for students.
2. Re-design ourAS Officer structure and election process to increase representation of the entire student body.
2.?Expand our virtual recruitment & outreach strategies to increase student involvement from a wider student demographic base in the AS & ICC, Student Ambassador program, and clubs.
3. Continue to integrate equity and inclusion strategies into our training, programs and events to better serve a wider demographic base of students on campus.
Strategy 1 - Participate in the re-designing and re-branding of �Student Life�
StudenWork in coordination with student centers and studnet services departments to "brand" a Student Life division that is engaging and accessible to students.
Students benefit from support services and involvement outside of the classroom. The programs and services within Student Services greatly enhance the college experience and the possibility of success. There is currently some confusion on the "branding" of Studnet Life as it is used for a department and also the division. We'd like to help clarify the branding to help students maximize the potential of the division offerings.
Strategy 2 - Expand our virtual recruitment & outreach strategies
We plan to expand our recruitment and outreach strategies through our new BC Connect platform to increase student awareness and involvement from a wider student demographic base in the AS & ICC, Student Ambassador program, and clubs. We will continue to collaborate with the outreach efforts of Orientation, College Connections and the student engagement centers (i.e. CCC, Inspiring Scholars, Veterans, and the QRC).
Extracurricular activities are a tremendous resource on campus and a great experience to augment learning in the classroom. Additionally, getting involved supports students along their pathway.
Strategy 3 - Integrate anti-racism strategies and learning into training, events & programs
We want to better integrate anti-racism, equity and inclusion strategies into our training, programs and events so student participants are better prepared to serve a wider demographic base on campus and in their lives.
Student Life programs and events as well as clubs are aimed at all students on campus. Making sure we are integrating equity and inclusion strategies into our student leader trainings and program and event designs will support more students feeling included, welcome and safe participating in a club, a program or at a Student Life event.
Strategy 4 - Re-design our AS Officer structure and election process
Change the number of possitions and titles of the Associated Students officer board.
We are working to realign student representation to critical academic and student services areas to increase representation of the entire student body.
All day-time main campus, Chico Center and Glenn Center studentsare charged an $18 Student Activity fee each semester. This fee generates approximately a?$300K budget per academic year.? Although, with the consistent decline in student enrollment, we have seen our income also decline.??
All students are charged a $2 representation fee.? $1 goes to the state to support SSCCC?the other $1 supports representation of students at the local and state level.? This generates approximately $20,000 per academic year, these funds are highly redistricted in use, mostly used to train student government officers and travel for state representation.
Original Priority | Program, Unit, Area | Resource Type | Account Number | Object Code | One Time Augment | Ongoing Augment |
Description | Supporting Rationale | Potential Alternative Funding Sources | Prioritization Criteria | |||
1 | Student Life | Personnel | $10,000.00 | $0.00 | ||
Club Advisor Faculty Stipends | When the district was facing budget cuts years ago, the AS was asked to help reduce the cuts by providing $10,000 to supplement the Club Advisor's union contracted stipends. The office of student life now finds itself in the same situation (due to declining enrollment) and would like to discontinue the contribution to club advisor stipends in order to help balance our own budget. Clubs help students feel more connected to campus and a sense of belonging that contributes toward retention rates and student success. |