The Butte College CalWORKs Program helps eligible CalWORKs students: * Work on employment readiness skills (i.e. complete a master application, create a cover letter, resume, references, "thank you" letter, interview preparation, and learn job search skills); * Learn resources and tools needed to become more self-sufficient; * Advocate for a successful student experience (e.g., exemption from 7 days to pay, priority registration, needs assessment and confer with county CalWORKs Case Managers) and * Collaborate with the counties (Butte, Glenn and others). Due to COVID and the Employment Centers are prohibiting the classes being offered. A PowerPoint was developed for online access however this population has multiple barriers to utilizing online resources. Classes will resume when the Employment Center allows in-person instruction.
Due to COVID, in-person classes are restricted at the Employment Centers. The following services are offered through the CalWORKs Program: * Collaborate with the County Department of Employment and Social Service Agencies to assist students with priority registration and support services * Provide case management services to support students in college * Receive referrals from County for participation in the Job Skills Workshop (JSW) * Receive referrals from the County for participation in CalWORKs Work-Study (ButteWORKs) (Note: JSW is open to all community members, but priority is given to CalWORKs students)
The SLO's for the CalWORKs/JSW program are curriculum-related. The course objectives are the SLO's. Prior to the COVID pandemic, at the end of each two week class session, instructors report a reflection on the SLO's when positive hours are reported.
Goal 4: Increase the percent of exiting CTE students who report being employed in their field of study. One of the main goals of the JSW and CALWORKs Programs is to increase employability and assist students in their job search.
The Strategic Direction of the CalWORKs/JSW program supports the following Strategic Direction and Priority Themes:
Due to a recent reorganization, CALWORKS is no longer a stand-alone program but continues to be linked with Job Placement.
The goals of the CalWORKs/JSW program include:
Strategy 1 - Develop a stand-alone webpage specific to JSW/CalWORKs
None at this time.
Other Resources: